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01463 667302
Helping Homeowners, Architects And Developers Obtain Planning Consent First Time, Without Additional Costs, Delays Or Nasty Surprises.

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All you need to do is click the button below, answer a few simple questions and in less than 60-seconds you’ll get your personalised quote.
Get Booked In
If like most people your happy with the quote, then simply book a date and time to suit you.
3-7 Days after the site visit, you'll receive your report which means you can get you planning back on track.
If You Are A Homeowner, Architect Or Developer Our Ecology Surveys Will Help You Get Planning Consent First Time.
The truth is that ecological surveys are not straight forward.
There is no simple solution.
This is not a box ticking exercise. And with the economic and social changes going on right now, it's important to get your ducks in a row to slam dunk that planning application.
What you will need is a dedicated partner to take you by the hand and guide you through the process.
There are a number of surveys your local planning authority may request and you may hear terms like phase one survey, preliminary ecological survey, protected species survey or bat survey.
That's why after completing our form Karalyn or Sophie will get in touch to get full details on your site. Once we have that we will email you a fee proposal.
Our full-time staff are directly employed and distributed around the U.K. to ensure that whether you are in Scotland, sunny Cornwall or Norwich we can support you at a fixed fee.
Many of our consultants are multi-disciplined. Both in the field and in the office, we have consultants that are trained in arboriculture, ecology and the operation of drones enabling us to be a ‘one stop shop’ for your project.
So right now, if you are a homeowner, architect or developer and you are sick and tired of shoddy reports, sick and tired of being let down, sick and tired of delays...
...then I urge you to click on the button below, get your instant quote and we can talk about the report you need, when you need it and how ROAVR can add real value without additional drama to your next project.
our ECOLOGY people!

Our team of consultants bring a unique vision to all the projects we are involved with.
ROAVR have many repeat customers in the planning and architectural sectors. These clients geographically range from practices in central London to The Scottish Highlands.
ROAVR remain the first choice to deliver surveys swiftly and professionally across the U.K.
Our consultants have many years experience in their professional fields. Our staff are individual members of The Arboricultural Association, CIEEM & BES. We carry full professional indemnity insurance and references are available on request.
We Are…

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Here's What People Say About Our Surveys
To get your ecological report for planning simply request an instant online quote on this page, personalised for your project.
Once you’ve accepted the quote we will get you booked in. Once booked in, a field ecologist will come to your site and collect the physical data we need to produce the report. This happens after a desktop study has been completed which comprises a third party check of species records in your local area.
All of our ecologists are qualified drone pilots which means that on top of everything else we also provide aerial imagery. This is becoming more and more vital to enable the planning officer to get a real feel for your site, it's been said that you can dramatically enhance the chances of a successful outcome at planning by doing this. We are the only environmental consultancy company in the UK to provide this as standard.
Once the site visits are completed, one of our ecologists will produce your report and deliver the report electronically as a combined PDF.
This PDF will be professionally presented and will be of sufficient size to easily upload to your local authority planning portal. Imagery will be provided using a bespoke digital transfer system with a web link that can be shared with all project stakeholders.
If requested, the habitat plan can be delivered as an AutoCAD .dxf drawing for your team to utilise particularly in relation to biodiversity net gain assessments.

ROAVR Provide all clients with a personal video walkthrough of your report. This means that you can easily understand our technical reports and apply any changes instantly and we constantly receive 5* for this service.

ROAVR provides incredible aerial imagery with all our reports. This imagery helps all project stakeholders fully understands the constraints and opportunities the site presents.

A comprehensive digital report so that you can be confident all bases are covered. Delivered fully optimised for delivery to your Local Authority.

Need you report quicker?
No problems, let us know your timescale and we will upgrade you with ROAVR Elevate.

UK Wide service - our surveyors operate nationwide from bases across the U.K. We can assist with your entire portfolio meaning you no longer need to commision multiple consultants, no travel time charged.
No we are not coming to you from Inverness! Unless you live in Scotland of course ;)

Our ROAVR REMEDY app is available on Android and Apple and ensures all the information you need is at your fingertips - for customers only this app is the culmination of years of research to add real value to your consultancy experience.

The Only Consultancy In The U.K To Have A Dedicated App To Support Our Customers!
How cool is that?
ROAVR has developed our own app to support our customers through their planning journey. All customers get access on booking with access to hours of resources and information to ensure you keep your planning on track.

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A preliminary bat roost assessment is an essential step in the ecological survey process, particularly in the context of planning applications in the United Kingdom. It involves an assessment of the potential presence of bat roosts within or in close proximity to a proposed development site.
Bats are protected under both domestic and European legislation due to their declining populations and ecological significance. In the UK, they are safeguarded by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. These legal frameworks require developers to consider the impact of their projects on bats and their roosts.
The purpose of a preliminary bat roost assessment is to identify the likelihood of bats using a site for roosting and to determine if further surveys are necessary. It typically involves a combination of desk-based research, site inspections, and data analysis. Factors such as the presence of suitable habitat, roosting features (e.g., trees, buildings), and foraging opportunities are evaluated to assess the potential for bat activity.
A preliminary bat roost assessment is necessary to support a planning application in the UK for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures compliance with legal obligations by demonstrating that the impact on bats has been appropriately considered. Secondly, it provides valuable information to inform the design and layout of the proposed development, allowing for the incorporation of measures to minimise harm to bats and their roosts. Lastly, it helps establish a baseline understanding of bat populations in the area, aiding long-term conservation efforts.
Conducted at dusk (BCT 2023) and restricted between the months of May to September inclusive, bat activity surveys (BAS) are sometimes required where bats, evidence of bats or habitat value is present at your site.
Most people are unaware they are sharing their home with bats. The most common species in the U.K are crevice dwelling bats which exploit some crack and crevices in your property such as damaged flashing or cracked and slipped roof tiles.
If your PRA identifies bat potential you will need further BAS surveys. This does not mean that evidence of bats or their habitats on your site will stop you obtaining planning consent. It does mean though your local planning authority (LPA) will need to see evidence (a report) that proves appropriate steps have been taken to mitigate the projects impacts to bats in a way that avoids any activity that could potentially intentionally kill, injure or endanger bats if evidence is found on site.
The general perception is that activity surveys are simply a cash cow for ecologists, this could not be further from the truth. At ROAVR we pride ouselves on being upfront and honest about what survey effort is likely to be required at your site. Sometimes we can even tell this from an intial desktop asssesement of photos you provide us and the information in publically available records.
Once it is established that a BAS survey is necessary, an ecologist will visit the site and monitor the entry and exit points to gather information on the UK bat species, location and population. The data gathered from this exercise will be used to gauge the presence of bats on the site as well as the effect bats may experience as a result of the permitted development work.
As with any legally protected species surveys, bats are protected under certain national and European legislation, and restrictions are in place as a legal requirement based on the specific bat activity, behaviours and hibernation patterns of the species in question. Due to this approach, the bat survey season will take place outside of bat hibernation.
Bats hibernate between November and March, meaning that it is only possible to carry out BAS at a certain time of the year between the months of April and October. However, the optimal period lies in the summer months between May and September, with at least one survey visit taking place in the peak of activity between May and August. The BCT publication ‘Bat Surveys for Professional Ecologists Guidelines – Good Practice Guidelines’ (2023) insists that Activity Surveys are solely conducted within this time.
Within full bat survey guidelines from the BCT and rules enforcing legal compliance, Activity Surveys must be conducted outside of daylight hours and solely around sunrise and sunset.
Stage two surveys on nocturnal animals such as bats are undertaken 15 minutes before to two hours after sunset, or two hours before to 15 minutes after sunrise.
The cost of a Bat Activity Survey can be variable and depends on a number of factors. For an accurate quote, contact Lucy or Karalyn at ROAVR for a discussion about your specific needs, even if you have had your preliminary survey done elsewhere - we can help.
Our ecology services & Surveys
A Preliminary Ecological Assessment Report (PEAR)

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Phase 2 Survey
Phase 2 Protected Species Surveys For Bats, Badgers, Great Crested Newts

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Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment

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Detailed Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments

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YOur Next StepS ARE SimPLE
All you need to do is click the button below, answer a few simple questions and in less than 60-seconds you’ll get contacted by the office between 9am and 5pm.
Get Booked In
If like most people your happy with the quote, then simply book a date and time to suit you.
After the site visit, you'll receive your report which means you can get you planning back on track.

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#Film #Inspect #Survey
ROAVR Group, Marr House,
Beechwood Business Park,
Sir Walter Scott Drive, Inverness, IV2 3BW
85 Great Portland Street
01463 667 302

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